ADA Truncated Dome

With Disabilities Act – Detectable Warning Requirement (02.17.06)

Stampcrete International is the original manufacturer of the Detectable Truncated Dome warning tool for concrete sidewalk surfaces. P. Michael Fennessy, the original inventor and patent owner of the ADA truncated dome stamping tool (Patent #: 5,271,690 and Design #: 338,817), has recently registered a patent pending on this new ADA design whose use is being strongly encouraged by both the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the U.S. Access Board. The new pattern as shown, includes designs skewed in a row in place of the original diagonal design.

Since the Department of Justice decided to let the suspension expire on July 26th, 2001 for the reimplimentation of the ADA Truncated Dome Detectable. Warning requirements, we have received many requests for information on our designs and specifications for the process. Because of this, we wanted to send your organization our information on what we have to offer as well as the process that is now being suggested for use.

Please review the included links to view more information, as well as photos and design prints on the new patent pending stamping tool for truncated domes. Once again, this process is going to be strictly enforced by the Federal Highway Administration, as well as the state and local governments being required to apply the design standards when constructing and altering pedestrian facilities.

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