Stampcrete Color Hardeners
Composition and Materials
Stampcrete color hardeners are composed of Portland cement, color and hard aggregate. These aggregates vary in particle size in order to allow a consistent distribution and depth of the hardener.
Stampcrete products are manufactured under closely controlled blending procedures to ensure uniform color throughout each lot. Stampcrete color hardeners contain iron oxide pigments in a fineness range of 95% to 99% minus 325 mesh. Type I Portland cement and fine aggregates are the base materials. Stampcrete colors are inert, stable to atmospheric conditions, sunfast, non-yellowing, weather-resistant, and free of deleterious fillers or extenders.
This product should not be applied to vertical surfaces. Shelf life is approximately 1 year when kept dry.
Each 50-pound bag of material should cover approximately 100 square feet of surface.