
Sand 1,000 sq.ft.

Original price was: $89.95.Current price is: $71.96.

SKU: SR-15 Category:


Stampcrete International has the finest colored release agents available on the market. Offered in 20 different powdered colors, along
with clear Liquid Release, you can now use two or three different colors to marbleize your surface.

STAMPCRETE COLORED RELEASE AGENT is a ready to use dry shake bond breaker and moisture retainer, used when imprinting fresh concrete with stamping tools.

STAMPCRETE COLORED RELEASE AGENT is a blend of colored pigments and other proprietary ingredients that produce a STREAK-FREE and STICK-FREE release of the stamping tools from the concrete, and retains surface moisture, preventing rapid moisture.

STAMPCRETE COLORED RELEASE AGENT is used to create unique coloring and antiquing effects in the cured concrete surface.

STAMPCRETE COLORED RELEASE AGENT is not the primary coloring agent; it enhances or antiques the color produced by the Dry-Shake hardener or integral color of the concrete.

STAMPCRETE COLORED RELEASE AGENT is chemically neutral and does not require any part of the concrete to produce its release.  Color release is also inorganic and does not retard the hydration of the concrete

Additional information

Weight 28 lbs


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