As we express our vitality, we often can be seen jumping for joy! Maybe you jump for joy withing when you are feeling vital.

For me, vitality represents the power of enduring. There are many times you can reflect on the power of your endurance, in sports, academics, career, spiritual, family and personal matters.

I founded Visions Applied as a way and means to offer vitality to our world as it emerges through me! I, like you, have had many times where the power of my enduring was all that I could hold onto as my world changed. There were times where I did not “feel” alive, yet in fact, I was not only alive but vital. Vitality was the energy and power that sustained me.

Look at your life and notice those times where you may have mislabeled the power of your endurance. Remind yourself of your vitality and energy.

I invited you to join me in offering our vitality to the world as we jump for joy! Let your enthusiasm shine!
