Someone Gets Me is for the Visionary Leader that lies inside of you. Hosted by Dianne A. Allen, this podcast was created for those who lie awake feeling alone inside. You are no longer alone. I created this podcast because we’ve all been there – feeling not understood, feeling not seen, feeling like people don’t care. You will hear from the people who have gotten over the chasm and have taken the leap to really create something special.

In this episode, I interview Rena Romano who is an author, keynote speaker and certified mindset coach. Rena has shifted he perspective of her painful past, transporting her from victim to Sur-THRIVER. She is an amazing presence for seeing the upside!

Topics we discuss include:

  • Rena’s amazing story and her perspective on life and business
  • Rena’s comments on procrastination and overthinking
  • Rena’s TEDx Talk
  • Uncomfortable Sympathy as shared by Brene Brown


Be sure to take a second and subscribe to the show and share with anyone you think will benefit. Until next time, remember the world needs your special gift, so let your light shine!

More about Rena Romano

Rena Romano is an author, keynote speaker and certified speaking and mindset coach. An award-winning career in construction sales led her to start her own business sharing the successful strategies that brought her success.

Her achievements accelerated with a shift in perspective of her painful past, transporting her from victim to Sur-THRIVER. Acknowledging and celebrating her survival she shares the strategies she discovered to help others reconnect with their inner strengths, to thrive and be the change they want in their life.

Along with her Training and Coaching Certifications as a Happiness Master, Leadership and Speaking Coach she is the founder of “The THRIVE Perspective”® A program, with an innovative approach that focuses on mindset success for 100% personal accountability. “Because there’s always an upside!”

A Volunteer/Mentor for Dress for Success Tampa, Centre for Women, Crisis Center of Tampa, PACE center for Girls and The Girl Scouts of Central Florida. When not volunteering or speaking you can find her golfing, fishing or shoe shopping.

Rena is a member of the National Speakers Association, a veteran of the TEDx stage, and was a featured guest on “The Oprah Winfrey Show”.

Until Next Episode: Be Well!