Have you ever been betrayed by someone who called themselves friend? Have you or someone you know received a health diagnosis that changed everything? Have you ever had someone just disappear from your life for no apparent reason? Have you ever had a loved one pass away, suddenly or unexpectedly? Have you ever had a work disruption like a layoff, management change or sudden employee departure?

These are all disruptions that greatly impact your life.

Disruptions happen all the time, yet we tend to live our lives as if there will be no disruptions.

We know we will experience them and at the same time we hold the belief that tomorrow will be the same as today.

The Not so Obvious Benefits of DisruptionWhen a disruption happens, you have choices in how you will respond and react.  Your response to the disruption will impact your future moving forward. You can choose to look at the disruption as a defeat or delay or you can experience your feelings and also look for the road leading you forward with a more developed inner honesty and trust of your own inner guidance.

The Story of Sue and Jane (fictional names):

Sue and Jane spoke nearly every day. Both friends had unique gifts that made the conversations rewarding for both friends. Both Sue and Jane were intense and experienced life in high definition, this is what drew them to be friends in the first place. Sue would often say, “I don’t like people, you, Jane, can talk to people.” The friends would laugh about this all the while Jane wondered if Sue didn’t like ALL people including Sue and Jane too. There was some dialogue over the years where this would be spoken by the Sue and Sue would often say “not you Jane, you are different.”.

Eventually, Sue disappeared and stopped interacting with the Jane. The disruption of loosing the friendship suddenly was heartbreaking for Jane and made Jane look within regarding choice of friends and how to move forward with more awareness and attention.

One certain rule Jane remembered is that we all tell on ourselves. The words of Sue in sweeping comments showed some heart centered pain that was being projected onto others then used as an excuse to leave without assuming responsibility for her actions. See, the disruption to Jane tore open a blind spot that, though painful, moved her life forward in empowering ways.

Jane had to learn to more deeply trust her intuition.

Jane sensed something amiss, yet she made internal excuses because on other levels, the friendship was rewarding.

Jane shared with me some of her lessons learned:

  1. Having special gifts does not make someone healthy.
  2. Jane brings more to her relationships than she was giving herself credit for.
  3. The pain and loss from the disruption hold the energy to keep moving in the direction of her dreams.
  4. Inner honesty is vital to a happy life.
  5. Resentment and anger do not serve.
  6. Feel the feelings of loss from the disruption, focus on inner honesty, ignite your heart’s desire and take action toward your goals, vision and dreams.
  7. Hold compassion in your heart for your old friend and for yourself.
  8. Be kind to yourself when the grief surfaces while healing the loss.
  9. Move forward in life, with grace, poise and ease. Taking responsibility for your role in all the affairs of your life. Grow along spiritual lines.

From the grief of this situation, Jane was able to connect more deeply to her heart’s desires and soul mission. Jane broke open an inner blind spot and is now freed from an old cycle that was not obvious to Jane without the betrayal of her “friend”.

When I am working with people as their mentor, assisting them in identifying and living their authentic calling, I hold the space for this deeper awareness that emerge from what look like major losses. The loss is real. The overall gain is profound. Without another holding the safe space for your process and awareness, some of these honesty points can go unnoticed due to the intensity of the emotions.

When you experience a disruption of any kind, take some deep breaths and sit with the feelings and thoughts while you witness what is happening. Breathe and close your eyes if you like, allow your inner energy to flow and ponder the question: “How will the light enter and show me the way?” It will enter and it will show the way. Your responsibility is to pay attention, take notes and trust.

If this article has helped or inspired you, please share with those you care for. Contact me here if you have any ideas to share along these lines.

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