Stress and health issues are big topics these days. From Healthcare reform to obesity to fitness programs; these topics dominate our media. Many people’s lives are built completely around a certain health idea or fitness program. Why then is the United States the second most obese nation worldwide? We are exercising more and still the obesity epidemic continues.

I see stress- chronic, unrelenting stress as a major culprit. Disturbed sleep, eating highly processed foods for convenience sake and chronic anger or irritability often impact many people. Look around and within – the stress seems to be a major part of our lives these days.

In offering healthy life solutions, we are aware that the answers are often elusive. We see that those who seek a variety of solutions receive longer term results. Our mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects all work together so the solutions work best when all these areas are taken into consideration,

All of us respond best when we are supported without judgment. We focus and attain our goals best when we have accountability in our lives.

If you are struggling and isolated, remember that connection is the correction. Begin to connect within and without. Enjoy the process. Email today for a free conversation to see how our proprietary system can help you!
