Episode 231: Spiritual Principles in Leadership

Anyone can be a leader living by spiritual principles; it doesn’t matter whether you are at ages 4, 34 or 84. What matters is that we live by principles that are of higher understanding. Allow me to say: it’s not about religion, and I’m also not talking about all of the woo-woo stuff. That’s not what this is about. This is about living our life and leading by higher principles. 


This episode will discuss what I’ve created as pairings of spiritual principles that help balance our leadership skills. This is not meant to be an exhaustive research study but to help us see that we can take spiritual principles with specific energy and focus and manage the internal way of operating in the world as a leader, no matter who you are. Using them makes us remarkable, gifted leaders simply by being grounded and rooted in a foundation that makes sense. 


Join me in this episode of Someone Gets MeSpiritual Principles in Leadership with Dianne A. Allen ▶️


#1 Imagination and Understanding. Your “imagination” allows you to pull your brilliant ideas together, while “understanding” will enable you to bring them into the world. Having them work together dramatically improves how you lead yourself and lead others.


#2 Faith and Strength. Faith means trusting the unseen, which for some gifted people, is tricky. We want to dial into those hunches, inspired ideas and when your gut says something — you can bring them forward. In the spiritual world, strength means being connected and knowing what’s true for you and what isn’t. Learn how to be strong in your convictions. 


 #3 Divine Love and Wisdom. Love is the motivator of altruism, care, kindness and compassion. And what goes with love is wisdom, a cognitive, intellectual manifestation of compassion and love because of action.


#4 Zeal and Order. If we have too much order and not enough fun, things don’t work out well; it gets cattywampus. Yet if we have too much zeal and enthusiasm and not enough order, things can just spin out of control and be goofy and crazy. These two go together really well. We want to have order in what we’re doing, which gives us the foundation to be spontaneous and have fun. 


#5 Elimination and Regeneration. That’s why the Dead Sea is dead; it’s got no inlet and no outlet. So we need to have an outlet, an elimination factor, letting ourselves spiritually let go of what is no longer serving us, whether it’s a belief, attitude, habits, and people or things. The spiritual rule is to release what no longer serves to give space for what’s good to come.



How to Connect with Dianne A. Allen

You have a vision inside to create something bigger than you. What you need is a community and a mentor. The Someone Gets Me Experience could be that perfect solution to bringing your heart’s desire into reality. You will grow, transform and connect. https://msdianneallen.com/someone-gets-me-experience/

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