Episode 230: Dealing with Grief as an Empath with Ruth Vaughan

People steer away from sharing difficult personal experiences that may fall on the ears of a judging listener. But for Ruth Vaughan, a multipotentialite empath — she opens the book of her life to encourage the many others who may just be dealing with their pains and grief alone.  


Tune in to this episode of Someone Gets Me —  Dealing with Grief as an Empath with Ruth Vaughan ▶️


Key points covered in this episode: 


✔️ You can move on after deep losses, and you’re changed forever as a result of it. The pain of losing a loved one never really goes away. People think after the funeral is over, it’s done. The world may have stopped, but it only stops for you. Life continues for everyone else, and that isn’t easy. 


✔️ Grief and big grief compounded. Ruth describes it like arthritis. “The pain is still here; it’s always going to be inside of me. It lessens or can even get better. But then it flares up again, even with the smallest trigger.”


✔️  When Ruth lost her husband in a tragic car accident, she also lost herself. For many years, she wasn’t exercising, eating right or doing anything she should have been doing to take care of herself. 


✔️ Faith is what kept her fighting to continue living. “Life ebbs and flows, and you can have a terrible day, but you have to stick around because, after that, you’re going to have more wonderful days. We’ve lost so many people, yet we just need to have the tenacity to hang in there. Be strong; you still have to do what you have to do.”


✔️ Looking at the big picture of life, nothing else matters except those who will always have your back and support you in the most challenging times. Your family and friends are invaluable. They will shine the line in your darkest moments. 


✔️ Humor helps take you through the good, the bad, the messy, the ugly, the joyful and everything


Ruth Vaughan was raised on their family farm until her dad died when she was 11. She was always one to enjoy learning new things; she excelled in school and went on to get not only a BS but also an MA. Upon graduation, Ruth met and married her husband, Gary, and they have 3 amazing children who are now successful adults. Ruth was a Title 1 reading and math teacher for 18 years. She retired after her husband passed and was a stay-at-home mom until her youngest went to college when Ruth got her real estate license. She enjoys reading, traveling, Pilates, yoga, and time with family and friends in her spare time. 


Connect with Ruth: https://www.facebook.com/ruth.b.vaughan.5



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