As the David Letterman finale on late night television aired, I recalled like so many others the great guests and comedy that brightened and lightened our world. Thank you, David Letterman for the laughs, the stupid pet tricks, awesome guests and most importantly your commitment and long term dedication to your craft. You truly are second to none which is why it is no surprise that so many are talking about your retirement from television. I have a couple of additional thoughts.

Just because you are retiring from the show does not mean you are going away into some sort of cave until you die, does it? I don’t think so at all. I believe you will continue to bring lightness and laughs wherever you are with whomever you are accompanying. Your great sense of humor born of human trials and life itself is so close to all of us because we, too, feel those same pains, griefs and longings. You, David Letterman, are able to put a perspective on things for the people that can make difficulty more manageable somehow.

Years ago, I would get off work right before your show came on and I would hurry home to not miss a minute. The next day, my co-worker and I would practically repeat your entire show, antics and all. See we worked in a psychiatric emergency room and things got very intense often. We were young and ambitious and it was you and your show that kept a perspective like no other. We still talk about those days and your show today. You helped me make it through some very challenging times with your real humor.

I know that the veil of celebrity also is around you. I, like many, think we know you because of your celebrity and being in front of us for so many years. Well, I know that this is not the case. I know you as a genius in your industry, skilled and gifted in so many ways. Yet, you are also a human, like me, with many challenges and obstacles to face and overcome. Overcoming the existential depression and other forms of depression that can accompany such genius is understood by few. I saw an interview where you candidly shared some of your struggles. I listened with great respect for your authentic comments. Your love for your family inspires me and many others. Through it all, you remain committed to those you love.

You, David Letterman, impressed me with your authenticity and openness. You are a man who, like us all, keeps searching and seeking for a happy and fulfilled human experience. You have enriched my life as well as the lives of so many. I honor you, all of you, I bless you and I am grateful that you have chosen to selflessly share your gifts and talents with the world. We are better as a result of your work.

May your time off the air be amazing, enjoyable and full of the laughs you have freely given to others.