Reflecting on Dr. Wayne Dyer

Reflecting on Dr. Wayne Dyer as I have learned that he has moved on in his journey from this physical plane. He would say it is the continuation of his soul’s journey. He has touched my life personally and professionally for many years. I feel a kind of heaviness now,...

Power in Retreat

There is power in retreat. Some say retreat has to do with running away scared. For me, retreat means to go apart for a while from daily living into a more rejuvenating environment. This type of retreat is necessary for vital organ functioning, quality relationships,...

Beliefs Impact Health

Our core beliefs impact our health and every aspect of our lives, consciously and unconsciously. Henry Ford was right when he said, “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t …you’re right.” At a recent lecture, the presenter provided two sets of plastic...

10 Actions to Relieve Success Sickness

Recently, I have received calls from several people seeking assistance with similar challenges. They are all experiencing physical, mental and emotional symptoms from chronic stress secondary to being successful. All of them report chronic and intense morning fatigue,...

Let Freedom Ring!

As Independence Day fast approaches, I keep hearing Let Freedom Ring. I am moved by the patriotism and fervor with which many celebrate this holiday. Some that I know are focused entirely on the food- ribs or chicken or burgers or all the above. Who to invite for the...