Vision Anyone?

Vision Anyone?

Vision Anyone? What is your vision? I have heard many people say “It is going to be a good year”. Some people have lamented that they are glad last is behind them. Life is so curious with its twists and turns. I think how we label these twists and turns are very...

Say Yes!

Say Yes! Say yes to your dreams and heart’s desire. Say yes to serving the highest good and to being a beneficial presence on planet Earth. When you say yes (not maybe or no) you come into alignment with the higher good, the Divine. As you learn to live in this flow,...

All About Results

Results, it is all about results. What results are you getting from your words and actions? When you stop and assess the results you are getting, you can then take that feedback and make your next decisions. Often times, folks focus on results without allowing for the...

Grateful Living

Today is a day to remember our many rich blessings that are made possible by those who serve each one of us on a moment by moment basis. Grateful living allows me to freely honor those who answer their inner call to serve. I reflect today on the deep and moving...

Stress and Health Issues

Stress and health issues are big topics these days. From Healthcare reform to obesity to fitness programs; these topics dominate our media. Many people’s lives are built completely around a certain health idea or fitness program. Why then is the United States...