5 Questions Change Agents Ask Themselves

5 Questions Change Agents Ask Themselves

As Mahatma Gandhi taught: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Yes, you are the change agent you have been looking for all along! Now, that you have been found, you can get focused and take action, right? All good change agents know how to ask effective...

5 Proven Steps of Accountability

Life Happens. The truth is that the world around us doesn’t care what posture you take. Reality always shows up. The choice you make every day is to be the victim of circumstance or to be accountable for your choices. There are 5 proven steps of accountability that...

It’s All in the Questions

We ask ourselves and others questions all day. What do I want to wear today? What’s for dinner? Should I visit my friend in the hospital? How do I look? How are you? What do I really want to do with my life? What do I most value in my life? You get it, the list is...