Have the Guts to be Extraordinary

Have the Guts to be Extraordinary

Authentic power comes from walking on the edge of what you know in your heart and mind and what the society at large thinks it knows. On your journey, you will have to discover your own amazing Truth. This Truth shapes you and inspires you to grow, stretch and evolve...
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Whatever you are thinking about and focusing on in your thoughts or words is where your energy is flowing and thus, reinforcing the thought or idea. I teach this every day and help people see that where their energy flows where attention goes. As you think about where...
Freedom from Suffering – How to Reprogram Addictions

Freedom from Suffering – How to Reprogram Addictions

Our society has become addicted to anything and everything on many levels. I am asked often about addiction from the limited viewpoint of illicit substances. This is a bigger issue than street drugs or alcohol.  To achieve freedom from suffering, learn how to...
Freedom From Silent Pain

Freedom From Silent Pain

Henry David Thoreau talks about a quiet desperation. Are you experiencing silent pain right now? For bright and gifted people, experiencing quiet desperation is a real issue, especially if others do not understand or are judgmental. This article offers ways to obtain...
Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

Sometimes you may feel alone on the sea of life as if you are just being tossed around by the wind and seas. Sometimes there are unforeseen injuries or illnesses that appear to be setbacks that can deeply challenge your sense of who you are. What had happened to your...