5 Proven Ways to Raise Your Vibration

There are many ways to raise your vibration. Some ask me why this evens matters. Well, lower vibrations such as fear, doubt, pain, grief, guilt and worry are heavy and they hold you down. As you are weighted down by the lower vibrations, you can become sick or even...

5 Proven Steps of Accountability

Life Happens. The truth is that the world around us doesn’t care what posture you take. Reality always shows up. The choice you make every day is to be the victim of circumstance or to be accountable for your choices. There are 5 proven steps of accountability that...

8 Ways to Turn Unhealthy Anger into Healthy Anger

Anger is prevalent in our world today and is appears to be increasing. In working with many different people over the years, I have witnessed and heard about anger in its many forms. Some anger in unhealthy and causes problems. Some anger is a healthy expression of an...

Drugs Work Until They Don’t

As I heard many times in my career “Drugs work until they don’t”. Nearly every day I hear of someone losing their life because of drug use. Sometimes it is a celebrity like Scott Weiland or Whitney Houston and it hits the news. Other times it is a local parent or...

Power in Retreat

There is power in retreat. Some say retreat has to do with running away scared. For me, retreat means to go apart for a while from daily living into a more rejuvenating environment. This type of retreat is necessary for vital organ functioning, quality relationships,...