5 Questions Change Agents Ask Themselves

5 Questions Change Agents Ask Themselves

As Mahatma Gandhi taught: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Yes, you are the change agent you have been looking for all along! Now, that you have been found, you can get focused and take action, right? All good change agents know how to ask effective...

How Authenticity Helps Know, Like and Trust Factor

Authenticity is the cornerstone of your “know, like and trust factor”. This is why video marketing is becoming so important. Years ago there would be a person to person meeting and the shaking of hands meant “you have a deal?” Then we moved into more and more...

What’s Enrichment? 6 Stress Busting Tips

Enrichment is a term I hear my animal keeper friends use all the time. They are talking about adding things of interest and play for the animals they are caring for at the time. I have listened to their conversations for years and related to their passion for a...

Leading from Higher Standards

We are living in increasingly uncertain times. Many businesses are changing and shifting in order to stay afloat and profitable. Keeping the doors open for business seems to be the push behind many re-invented business and many new businesses. It is time that we are...

7 Habits of a Whole Business

Knowing if your business is whole is vital whether you are a solopreneur, a CEO of a major corporation, a volunteer leading others or an employee. Whole businesses are a sign of a powerful presence. Historically, businesses could thrive in a unilateral and often...