5 Freedom Mechanisms

5 Freedom Mechanisms

Freedom is a powerful word and carries so many meanings to different people. There is freedom of choice, religion, speech and the like. Inner freedom is related to peace and joy and is a focus for many people. Some look for freedom outside of themselves, never...

How Authenticity Helps Know, Like and Trust Factor

Authenticity is the cornerstone of your “know, like and trust factor”. This is why video marketing is becoming so important. Years ago there would be a person to person meeting and the shaking of hands meant “you have a deal?” Then we moved into more and more...

5 Proven Ways to Raise Your Vibration

There are many ways to raise your vibration. Some ask me why this evens matters. Well, lower vibrations such as fear, doubt, pain, grief, guilt and worry are heavy and they hold you down. As you are weighted down by the lower vibrations, you can become sick or even...

4 Qualities of a Productive Team

Humans are pack animals and we are likely to do some tasks in teams. Whether large or small teams, we interact with others to accomplish goals for our families, professions and communities. When creating or participating in a team, pay close attention to these...

5 Proven Steps of Accountability

Life Happens. The truth is that the world around us doesn’t care what posture you take. Reality always shows up. The choice you make every day is to be the victim of circumstance or to be accountable for your choices. There are 5 proven steps of accountability that...