How Prejudice Divides and Conquers

Prejudice is a poison that divides and conquers the people that are engaged in this fear based, antagonistic way of living. I experienced the push back from prejudiced co-workers when I suggested open dialogue about challenges. Prejudice is really all about fear. It...

Leading from Higher Standards

We are living in increasingly uncertain times. Many businesses are changing and shifting in order to stay afloat and profitable. Keeping the doors open for business seems to be the push behind many re-invented business and many new businesses. It is time that we are...

Drugs Work Until They Don’t

As I heard many times in my career “Drugs work until they don’t”. Nearly every day I hear of someone losing their life because of drug use. Sometimes it is a celebrity like Scott Weiland or Whitney Houston and it hits the news. Other times it is a local parent or...

Be Unstoppable-Break the Glass Ceiling

Do you want to be in control of your destiny? Do you have the tenacity and resolve to keep focused in order to achieve powerful results? There are several keys to creating the momentum that will make you unstoppable as you achieve your goals and desires. It is time to...

What You Think is Wrong May be What is Right

What’s wrong with me? is a question that many people ask me everyday. I listen to their story and most often I say: What you think is wrong may be what is right. They will talk about being different or being on the outside of their lives. What I notice as a...