7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Cause Depression

7 Nutritional Deficiencies That Can Cause Depression

Depression and other mood disorders are devastating health problems. When you go to your doctor, their answer is often a prescription for one of the various popular anti-depressant drugs. Many doctors do not investigate for metabolic or nutritional deficiencies that...

What’s Enrichment? 6 Stress Busting Tips

Enrichment is a term I hear my animal keeper friends use all the time. They are talking about adding things of interest and play for the animals they are caring for at the time. I have listened to their conversations for years and related to their passion for a...

5 Proven Steps of Accountability

Life Happens. The truth is that the world around us doesn’t care what posture you take. Reality always shows up. The choice you make every day is to be the victim of circumstance or to be accountable for your choices. There are 5 proven steps of accountability that...

How Prejudice Divides and Conquers

Prejudice is a poison that divides and conquers the people that are engaged in this fear based, antagonistic way of living. I experienced the push back from prejudiced co-workers when I suggested open dialogue about challenges. Prejudice is really all about fear. It...

Drugs Work Until They Don’t

As I heard many times in my career “Drugs work until they don’t”. Nearly every day I hear of someone losing their life because of drug use. Sometimes it is a celebrity like Scott Weiland or Whitney Houston and it hits the news. Other times it is a local parent or...