Do you get cattywampus and disharmonized during the day, struggle with decision fatigue, or experience that your brain doesn’t seem to work the way you want it to?

For those of us who are gifted or twice-exceptional, this is a familiar state of mind. When our brains are always “on” and always moving at the speed of light, it’s no surprise we tend to burn out in the middle of the day.

BUT your day doesn’t have to be a lost cause. There are some practical ways to turn your day around, get you feeling better, and navigate the rest of your day with vigor and joy. Here are some of the ones that I most recommend that I find extremely useful for the people I work with and for myself:

✔️ Humming throughout the day, especially if you’re in a traffic jam or there’s a lot of stress, will help remind the nervous system it’s going to be OK. It can be any song or made-up tune; it doesn’t matter. The humming vibration helps unify the vagus nerve, calm the system, and get everybody back in gear again.

✔️ Stop, close your eyes, take your hands off the keyboard. Just give yourself a couple of minutes reprieve, breathing, closing your eyes, and visually decreasing the stimulus. We remind our nervous system in our biology to rest and keep going.

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✔️ Progressive relaxation: Squeeze a muscle group, and you relax it. Doing so gets the bad blood pumping and the interstitial fluid moving. We remind ourselves that a relaxed state and a tense state in our body have permission to relax, let go, and release.

✔️ Just breathe. Most people are breathing a little bit from the top of their chest instead of their belly, while most people hold their breath a lot, resulting in being in pain physically and emotionally.

✔️Count backward from ten to one slowly with each exhale. When you open your eyes, you become calmer, and your brain processes better. Creativity gets better, and most importantly, my physiology and my neurology become more harmonized.

✔️ Move your body. When we cross our centerline, natural movement and simple exercises remind our right and left hemispheres of our brain to come together and cooperate and communicate.

Feel like you’re constantly getting derailed by your own brain? I can teach you how to harness and manage your gift – without burning out. Schedule a free call with me here or listen to my podcast episode on this topic here.