Episode 201: Sensitivity and Intuition in the Gifted with Amy Estersohn


Join us for another value-packed episode of Someone Gets Me! Dianne A Allen shares an insightful discussion with exceptional and gifted educator Amy Estersohn. 


What is it like to be a sensitive, gifted person? How do you handle your thoughts and use them to be of service to others?


Essential points covered in this episode: 


✔️ Learn to listen to your intuition. How many times have we shut down something and then looked back and figured that wasn’t the best move, or we paid a negative price in some way or another? 


✔️ Intuition is the highest form of intelligence. It’s true for all of us and even for people who don’t recognize it. Get to know better about your reactions from the gut-level and energy levels.


✔️ In William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” Amy posits that the great playwright teaches an essential lesson in balancing practicality and intuition. “Don’t be like Hamlet, don’t be so in love or ever trusting of your visions and insights that you forget to observe your world. Don’t forget to use data. Don’t forget to use the scientific method. Don’t forget to be grounded. Use that as a lesson that one can’t be too intuitive, spiritual, and too woo-woo and ruin common sense.”


✔️ Understand that it can be difficult when our egos get in the way of our intuition very often. 


✔️ As gifted people, you should use your intuition as an asset, not for your well-being but to increase greater harmony in the world. 


 ✔️ In today’s context,  it makes a difference to pay attention and use your discernment. Think through, feel through and sense through what will be your right move in every scenario. 


✔️ Sensitive people get over-involved when they want to help the person more than they want to help themselves. Set up boundaries because you can’t be fixing other people’s problems when they don’t even participate in solving them.


✔️ Use your gift to help others put words to the unique person they are. Be able to hold up a mirror to somebody and say, here’s what you’ve done, and here are the talents I see in you. 


About Amy Estersohn

Amy Estersohn supports creative, intense, and stubborn teens with college and career guidance. She has worked with teen inventors, composers, actors, software developers, and entrepreneurs who also struggle with perfectionism, organization, time management, and anxiety. Through an emphasis on college selection and college essay development, she helps teens see themselves and their talents meaningfully and authentically.


Amy’s background includes working as an Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Chicago. She partnered with UChicago’s Office of Career Advancement to review resumes and provide job application coaching.


Email: leadwithtalents@gmail.com

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