“Do you know how talented you are?” — Tony Russell As an actor, Tony appeared in numerous films and television shows. As a comedian, he appeared on many of the talk shows, worked in Las Vegas, as well as many corporate gigs and performing arts centers. He’s also...
“Lightheartedness is the antidote for the fear, the pain, and the suffering that we see worldwide.” — Dianne A. Allen Lightheartedness is not for the faint-hearted. Being lighthearted in a world full of turmoil, difficulty, strife, and fear, it makes you a...
“My ultimate goal is to impact millions of lives.” — Emmanuel Soba There’s more to every person than meets the eye. Everybody has an interesting story to tell. The kind of story that deserves to be unlocked and be shared with the whole world. In this week’s...
“When you go from employee status to entrepreneur, nobody ever teaches you that you need to have a particular skill set to find your balance.” — Yano Anaya Life is full of twists and turns. People can bounce back from difficult situations with greater mental...
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